Bow River Chiropractic Blog

Kristina Will, RMT

Kristina Will, RMT Kristina is a Registered Massage Therapist who graduated in 2016 with honours from the 2,200-hour course at MH Vicars School of Massage

Heel Pain

Heel pain is a very common condition that we see and treat at the clinic. The most common cause of heel pain is plantar fasciitis.

Straighten up Alberta!!

The Alberta College and Association of Chiropractors has developed a great program that helps promote spinal health and posture. This program is available on the

Backpack Tips

It’s back to school time and students are loading up their backpacks with all their school supplies. . Here are some simple tips for picking,

What the heck is text neck?

Text neck is a term used to describe the injuries and pain associated with looking down at wireless devices for too long. The symptoms associated

Dry Needling/IMS

Dry Needling or Intramuscular Stimulation(IMS) is a powerful new treatment that Dr. Janzen has become certified in. This treatment involves inserting thin filament needles into

Chiropractic Coverage for Seniors

Did you know, many seniors have some Chiropractic coverage through Blue Cross. They are eligible for $25 per treatment for 8 treatment per calendar year

Dry Needling (IMS)

What is Dry Needling/Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS)? Functional Dry Needling or Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) is an advanced needling technique that focuses on using needles to release