Bow River Chiropractic Blog

Concussions…. a BIG deal!

We’ve been hearing alot about the danger of concussions in sport and especially in youth sport. Research shows that if not treated properly, the impact

Have a Concussion?

Dr. Janzen is a recognized Healthcare Provider of the Shift Concussion Management Program – an evidence-based educational platform for Health Professionals working with concussion patients.

Heel Pain

Heel pain is a very common condition that we see and treat at the clinic. The most common cause of heel pain is plantar fasciitis.

Straighten up Alberta!!

The Alberta College and Association of Chiropractors has developed a great program that helps promote spinal health and posture. This program is available on the

Backpack Tips

It’s back to school time and students are loading up their backpacks with all their school supplies. . Here are some simple tips for picking,